Monthly Archives: November 2011

Nicole Scherzinger – Lewis Hamilton: A new change of course? (03/11/11)

According to the Daily Mail, the ex Pussycat Doll and the former Formula 1 world champion have recently separated, following rumours of an announcement of their engagement last summer.

It’s very tough to follow Formula 1, and even more difficult to take to the wheel of 2008 world champion Lewis Hamilton’s racing car. He was the youngest champion in the history of the sport, before having the record snatched from him by the precocious Sebastian Vettel. From that point on they have lived and worked in parallel with each other, striving for the seemingly impossible. According to the ‘Daily Mail,’ the beautiful Nicole Scherzinger finally threw in the towel after four years of a relationship that invoked jealousy in more than one member of the paddock. Long distances apart were apparently the cause of the break, if we believe the English tabloid. The former Pussycat Dolls singer now wants to focus on a dual career as a musician and actress, and will be working as a judge on the ‘X Factor.’ An anonymous source also informed the ‘Mail’ that they realised their relationship was impossible to maintain, with such demanding commitments.. The anonymous informant said, “They remain very good friends and it was an amicable break-up.” And in an effort to dismiss any speculation, Miss Scherzinger made sure to deny on Twitter all rumours of last summer’s engagement …

BACK TO 2010

Our two lovebirds had previously separated in January 2010, already tired of having too little time to dedicate to each other due to their busy schedules. A month later, on Valentine’s Day, the couple surrendered to the obvious: they couldn’t live without each other. So they decided to fight for their relationship. Lewis actually told the BBC that he had made up with his sweetheart. “I just wish Nicole could be in Bahrain with me, but she’s a long way away,” he said. “She’s currently working on her album and has a busy schedule, so she’s working hard. If she can come, so she surprised me and it will be fantastic, but I know she has to work, so maybe next time, “had he resigned, before concluding on a positive note: “When something is worth doing, we must do everything possible to make it work.” Things finally broke down again a year and nine months later.

Source text written by Yannick Vely. See the full French Article here:

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Posted by on November 3, 2011 in Sport