Monthly Archives: August 2011

A Look at War through Images (31/08/11)

From Spain in 1936 to Lebanon in 2006, ninety of the most striking photographs from war reports are on display at the Maison Européenne de la Photographie (European House of Photography).

As a testimony against war, the exhibit is also an attempt at reflection upon the symbolic power of images.

Images which have portrayed opinions

Published in the biggest magazines, widely broadcast and commented on, the majority of the pictures on display have been influential in the history of photojournalism. Among these most famous images, the visitor will find the American flag erected in Iwo Jima during the Second World War, signed by Jim Rosenthal. Then there’s Nick Ut’s photograph of a small girl who has been burnt by napalm during the Vietnam War, and then the soldier traumatised by bombs, by Don McCullin. Among the more recent images, you will see the wake in Kosovo by Georges Merillon, the mass graves in Bosnia by Gilles Peress and the petrol tank fires during the Iran-Irak War by Henri Bureau.

The symbolic power of images

The dramatic tension that comes across in the images is particularly striking, and this tension is achieved through symbolism and suggestiveness. A photograph by Robert Capa taken in 1936 shows a republican militiaman collapsing, cut down by a bullet. This image epitomizes its genre. As an emblematic icon of the Spanish Civil War, this photograph opened the door to the era of photojournalism. The documentary value and great narrative power of the images on display allow for a much deeper understanding of the various conflicts which took place over the course of the last century.

One thinks back in particular to Larry Burrows’ colour photograph entitled ‘With Open Arms.’ It shows wounded American soldiers, one of the standing, totally exhausted, and another on the ground, with mud stained uniform. There’s an infinite weariness in their eyes. Larry Burrows’ work contributed to the revival of American consciousness when it came to war, and started the protest movement against the seemingly never-ending Vietnam War.

We should remember that more than any other medium, photography has the capacity to strike a chord with people’s minds, “To revive public awareness,” as Robert Capa’s brother Cornell put it.

Source text written by Thomas Lamy. See the full French article here:

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Posted by on August 31, 2011 in Culture


Kobe Bryant, once again confronting his Demons (23/08/11)

The basketball player is said to have attacked a young man in a church.

Did Kobe Bryant openly attack a young man in a church in San Diego? Whatever the case may be, that is what twenty year-old Thomas Hagos (the supposed victim) is accusing him of. According to the local CBS outpost, the L.A. Lakers star was at the Saint Theresa of Carmel church in San Diego on Sunday, with his family. That is when he came across Thomas Hagos. Thinking that the young man was taking a picture of him, Kobe Bryant rushed towards him to try to seize the mobile phone. He claims he returned the phone to its owner after saying that he didn’t want any photos taken of him. The sportsman supposedly then left the church. But Thomas Hagos claims he had to go to hospital with a minor wrist injury.

The police want to talk to the star

According to the Los Angeles Times the San Diego police would like to question the player. Firstly, the inquiry team want to hear the victim’s version of events. But on Tuesday a San Diego police spokesman made it known that they, “Want to hear from both parties,” The interview with Thomas Hagos is expected to take place next week. The Lakers defender’s lawyer, Mark Campbell, suggested that his client, “Is fully aware of the unjustified accusations against him and is ready to defend himself.”

This isn’t the first time that Kobe Bryant, already thirty-three years old, has made the headlines for reasons other than his exceptional sporting ability. In 2003, he had to defend himself against accusations of rape brought against him by a nineteen year-old hotel employee. That particular legal affair eventually collapsed. The supposed victim, Kate Faber, effectively refused to take part in proceedings. In the face of rumours surrounding her sexuality and various threats, the young woman preferred to abandon the case. At that time, Kobe Bryant released a statement to remove all ambiguity. “Although I genuinely consider our relations to have been consensual, I realise now that she didn’t and still doesn’t perceive the incident in the same way as me.” And if Kate Faber did indeed start a legal procedure against the basketball player, it came to nothing: the two parties made peace through private discussion.

Source text written by Gabriel Daunadou. See the full French article here:


Posted by on August 23, 2011 in Sport


The Debt Crisis: Merkel and Sarkozy’s Solutions (19/08/11)

There were four main proposals on the agenda this Tuesday, at the Franco-German summit in Paris: The creation of an economic government for the Euro zone, the entry into the Constitution of the famous ‘règle d’or’ (‘golden rule’), the creation of a tax on financial transactions and a tax on societies shared by Paris and Berlin.

There were no miracles, just a few proposals. Angela Merkel’s spokesman had announced that nothing “spectacular” should be expected of the Franco-German summit, which took place this Tuesday at the Elysée. However, the French President and the German Chancellor advocated new budget conversion measures between the two European nations, with the aim of ending the European debt crisis. Four projects emerged from this meeting. First of all, Sarkozy announced the creation of a, “Proper economic government for the Euro zone, comprising of a Council of States and governments with biannual meetings and a President elected for two and a half years.” The name of the current European Council President, Herman Van Rompuy, was put forward for the first term of presidency. Secondly, Paris and Berlin advocated that the, “Seventeen members of the Euro zone should now write the ‘règle d’or’ into their constitutions. (This has already been done in Germany and is in the process of happening in France.) The purpose of this would be to ensure that the annual finance laws work towards the goal of a return to a balanced budget.” French PM François Fillon will make the “Necessary contact” with the various French political forces, to see if there could be a consensus regarding the adoption of the ‘règle d’or’ between now and 2012. At the same time, Nicolas Sarkozy made it clear that France would stick to its task of reducing public debt. “Next week the PM, along with the Finance Minister and the Budget Minister, will have the chance to announce a certain number of actions aimed at measuring the willingness of the French people to be involved in these engagements,” he declared, stressing that the Hexagon had a current increase in growth of 1.4% for 2011. Let’s remember that France’s objective is to bring its public deficit down to 3% by 2013.

Moreover, the two leaders have proposed the creation of a common tax on financial transactions. “The French and German Finance Ministers will bring a common proposition to the European authorities, to start in September,” Sarkozy reported. The two leaders have not specified the terms of the measure. Finally, for France and Germany, the idea of a tax on common societies will be examined in early 2012 to determine the level at which it would be set. The hope is that it would be put in place in 2013. Angela Merkel explained that Paris and Berlin intended to, “Set an example,” on this point. As expected, neither the creation of Euro bonds – to allow struggling nations to finance themselves at lowered rates – nor an increase of European funds for financial stability, have been brought to the table. According to the Chancellor, the first initiative would get rid of any incentive for budgetary discipline. Her French counterpart agreed with her on this point, believing that the Euro obligations would put the top rated countries in serious danger, and that they could only mark the, “End of an integration process.” The FESF, created in 2010 to come to the aid of Ireland and later Portugal, is endowed with 750 billion euros. It has an effective loan capacity of 440 billion euros, which has in fact been deemed insufficient by economists to save a country the size of Italy. In a press conference, Nicolas Sarkozy concluded that, “We want to make known our complete willingness to defend the Euro, and after all these issues we also want to see shared views and proposals between France and Germany.” While awaiting the reaction of the financial markets tomorrow morning, what appears to have come out of this meeting is this: the re-establishment of this powerful European duo, and its determination to work towards the harmonisation of the European economy. Moreover, the two leaders have said they are confident about the prospects of growth both in the Euro zone and globally.

The Socialist Party is unsatisfied

The Socialist Party reacted immediately at the conclusion of the summit. Their spokesperson, Benoît Hamon, decided that it was just, “A new swipe of the sword in the water,” disturbed most notably by fact that the issue of creation of the Euro bonds, an idea defended by the Socialists, was not the top priority during the discussions. Despite welcoming the basic idea behind the meeting, Martine Aubry regretted the lack of, “Short-term measures which could facilitate an immediate end to the crisis.” “I was expecting a proposal involving Euro bonds, as my party are suggesting with the aim of sharing out the debt. I also expected the doubling of European funds and the implementation of measures to restart growth. I don’t always understand financial market regulations… I don’t always understand growth and employment. So get on with it, and do something! Let’s get growth back on track!” In a letter addressed to Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel, Ségolène Royal had come up with her own “Five point plan” to try to “provide a more concrete version of the decision made on July 21st, for better governance of the Euro zone.” The five points are: “appointing a Franco-German Finance Minister; the creation of a proper economic government for the Euro zone; the prohibition of banks to speculate on public debt; a plan to boost companies’ economic activity; the convening of the French and German parliaments on the same day to put these measures in place.”

Source text written by M.D. See full French article here:

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Posted by on August 19, 2011 in Politics


Sarkozy: “Thanks to you, the rivers did not flow with blood.” (15/08/11)

After almost five good months of loyal service off the coast of Libya, the famous Charles-de-Gaulle aircraft carrier, the pride of the French Navy, has returned to its port of registry in Toulon for maintenance. This was an opportunity for the President to pay tribute to the work carried out by the French army, in Libya and elsewhere.

Thumbing their nose at Colonel Kadhafi. When the Charles-de-Gaulle aircraft carrier returned to its port of registry in Toulon on Friday, following more than four months in the Mediterranean protecting the population from vicious attacks by Mouammar Kadhafi, Nicolas Sarkozy reaffirmed France’s determination to, “Complete the mission,” to defend the Libyan people. “Our persistence will not dwindle: We have no choice in the matter, nor do we have the right to let it,” he declared while aboard the flagship of the French Navy – which is about to undergo maintenance work and give its unique crew a brief respite. “After forty years of living under a dictatorship, these people have the right to freedom,” he declared. To compensate for the absence of the twenty planes which would normally be onboard the carrier, the Air Force deployed combat planes to bases in Crete and Sicily. According to the President, the ship’s mission included two thousand five hundred take-offs and twenty thousand hours of flight time, with half of the flights happening at night.

Kadhafi, the “Mad dictator”

“Your goal in Operation Harmattan (from March 19th to the day after the UN vote for the 1973 revolution) was to prevent a dictator’s abuse of his people. And thanks to you the rivers of blood – in his own words – promised by Colonel Kadhafi, did not flow,” he announced during his address to eighteen hundred of the ship’s crew men and women. “You should all tell yourselves that, thanks to you, thousands of innocent victims who would have been massacred by a mad dictator in Benghazi have been saved,” he insisted. The President, who touched down in his helicopter on the deck of the ship, accompanied by Defence Minister Gérard Longuet and the Var UMP Minister Hubert Falco, continued his speech in the same vein.

In an effort to justify the controversial actions, he went on to say that, “If we participate in the operation in Libya, it’s in response to the plea of a population which found itself in immediate danger, and because the international community has reached an agreement within the United Nations.” “I guarantee that without the consent of the UN, France would not have intervened.” Comparing the French engagement in Libya with their involvement in Afghanistan, Nicolas Sarkozy emphasised that in both cases it corresponded to, “France’s constant effort to ensure global peace and security, wherever democracy and the people’s freedom are threatened.” “To get the job done, this presence demands long-term involvement,” he pointed out, while certain people regret that the situation “is getting difficult,” on the ground. “Why end the Taliban’s reign of terror if we will not take the time to give the Afghan people a means to security and a future?”

Nicolas Sarkozy, who also paid tribute to the French soldier killed in Afghanistan on Thursday evening, then ate lunch with the crew before returning to his holiday resort in Cap Nègre (in the Var region), forty-five kilometres from Toulon.

Source text written by Marie Desnos. See the full French article here:

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Posted by on August 15, 2011 in Politics


Is the English ‘Mafia’ behind the Riots? (13/08/11)

Dominic Noonan, the famous face of English organised crime, was seemingly directly managing the riots on the streets of Manchester.

Tens of youths from working-class areas, but also the daughter of a millionaire, a young estate agent, a Baptist preacher, a primary school teacher, a social worker, a future ballerina, children from ten to twelve years old… On each day of rioting, almost a week ago, England was surprised to discover who the people were behind the scarves. Equally surprised was London newspaper The Telegraph, which noticed a well-known person among the looters. In a video broadcast on YouTube, and replayed on the paper’s website, we can clearly see Dominic Noonan – leader of the top gang in Manchester – in amongst the rioters.

Built like a scrum half, bald and wearing small glasses, Noonan is probably England’s best known figure of organised crime. At forty-five years old, and having spent twenty-two of those years in prison, he has been put away over forty times for crimes ranging from armed mugging, to fraud, to tax evasion. Found guilty of murder several times, he has always been acquitted following the disappearance of the witnesses… In 2006, the Mancunian became known to the public after being followed for three years by the famous British reporter Donal McIntyre. He made a striking documentary about Noonan – ‘A Very British Gangster’ – a portrayal of this atypical, overtly homosexual gangster, renowned for his social work and greatly feared for use of extreme violence.

Was Dominic Noonan controlling the Manchester riots?

In the video shot on the first day of the Manchester riots, we can see the gangster in his usual dark-coloured suit and white shirt, speaking to a young man holding flat screen television. Noonan, whose teams generally consist of young men, seemed at ease in the middle of the chaos, to the extent that he even appeared to be giving advice. Witness statements quoted in The Telegraph confirm the sighting of him during the riots on King Street, the wealthiest street in Manchester. When he wasn’t on his mobile, he was talking to looters. He was accompanied by two suited teenagers who were spending their time sending text messages. Noonan was arrested on Thursday. Peter Fahy, head of the Greater Manchester Police, said he thought the looting was organised and planned. According to the police, had anarchy reigned many rioters would have specifically targeted certain shops, and made sure to steal the most expensive items first. As it was, the Swarovski and Links window displays were the first to be targeted, each of which were systematically smashed to obtain bracelets and necklaces of gold, silver and diamonds.

Duggan, whose death triggered the riots, was like a brother to Noonan

Using the chaos to fill one’s pockets. This comes as no surprise when you’re talking about a criminal of Noonan’s calibre. However, more surprising in hindsight are the links between Noonan, his brother Dessie and Mark Duggan, whose death sparked the English riots. According to the British press, the latter was the nephew of Desmond Noonan, known as ‘Dessie,’ a gangster like his brother, with declining mental health… An unstable professional killer and crack addict, stabbed to death by his dealer in 2005, Dessie had contributed – with more than twenty murders, including that of the head of the main rival gang – to making the Noonans the Kingdom’s main criminal family. A family which he describes as, “Untouchable,” whose troops are, “bigger,” and who have, “more weapons than the police,” in ‘A Very British Gangster.’ Dessie died during the filming of the documentary. He had married his second wife Julie, Mark Duggan’s aunt. After their divorce in 1993, the young man who died last week at the age of 29 had apparently stayed in close contact with his uncle and his brothers.

A journalist for the Sun explained that, “They took Mark under their wing, they loved him a lot, not only as a nephew, but as an accomplice.” According to the English media Duggan was going to see the Noonans in Manchester, and when the aforementioned family came to London, they visited him. If the link between the Noonans and Duggan seemed to be strong, there is nothing as yet to suggest that the family had anything to do with the start of the first riot in Tottenham, which followed the protest march for the young man’s death. Be that as it may, the information will feed the split feelings towards Mark Duggan in the eyes of the English public. The media states that he is described either as, “Starrish Mark,” the drug dealer at the centre of the ‘Star Gang’ of North London, or as the father of a family, saddened along with his wife by a still-born daughter. Placed under surveillance and arrested by the police for fear that he might avenge his associate, he was wrongly killed after a policeman’s radio was shot. Duggan was well-armed, but the shot came from an MP5 submachine gun, used by the London police. The police investigation continues in an effort to determine the exact circumstances surrounding the death.

Source text written by Clément Mathieu. See the full French article here:

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Posted by on August 13, 2011 in Miscellaneous


Audrey Tautou dreams of something different (10/08/11)

At the age of thirty-five, and eleven years after the global success of The Fabulous Destiny of Amélie Poulain, Audrey Tautou has revealed her intention to stop acting in comedies, “Very soon.”

Audrey Tautou is the stereotypical anti-star. Discrete, timid and modest, she only rarely gives interviews. At the time of the U.K. release of her film Les Vrais mensonges (Beautiful Lies), the thirty-five year old actress granted one to The Telegraph. And, what a surprise: she came out with a staggering revelation – but one which was not so surprising upon closer inspection…. She would be leaving the film industry. The interview began strongly: “I am not overly attached to my career,” affirmed the brunette from Auvergne. This was surprising confidence, which she justified with her desire to do other things. “I want to become a sailor. I like to draw. I would like to learn so many things, but I don’t have the time,” she said before explaining, “That’s the problem, you know. That’s the reason I’ll be quitting comedy shortly.” And with that she, “Let out a bizarre laugh… as if her own confession had taken her by surprise,” commented journalist Benjamin Secher. Disappointed, he confessed to having imagined Audrey Tautou as one of those, “Rare actresses of French cinema – somebody like Catherine Deneuve, Juliette Binoche and more recently Marion Cotillard – whose talent, ambition and ‘je ne sais quoi’ help maintain their lasting place in the global conscience.”

But no. The beautiful brunette with a curious look about her arrived on the cinema scene almost by chance – her father offered her theatre lessons at the Cours Florent, as a, “Reward for her good academic results” – and it’s with this same casualness that she envisages leaving it. At the time she had just passed her baccalauréat with the comment, “Good,” and as a ‘safety net,’ simultaneously sent letters to the Sorbonne. After her degree she gave herself a year to make it as an actress, and not a day longer. “I thought: I don’t want to continue this job if this job doesn’t want me,” she recalled. “I didn’t want to. No, no, no,” she insisted. “There are too many marvellous things to do in life. So I gave myself the year – and it was during that year that I got the role in Vénus Beauté (Venus Beauty Salon).” This role earned her the César award for Most Promising Actress. It was her destiny.

“I didn’t want any of this power”

Barely two years later she got the biggest role of her life: that of Amélie Poulain, which gained her international renown. The then twenty-five year old was made to feel guilty by this opportunity which left all doors open to her. “I didn’t expect to find myself in such a lucky situation and to have so many privileged offers,” she told Paris Match last year. “I didn’t go along with it for quite a while. I was very ill at ease with other people.” Then there was Un long dimanche de fiançailles (A Very Long Engagement) in 2004, and most significantly The Da Vinci Code two years later. A global success. Maybe one success too many for her. She recalls a dizzying sensation of power that only a leading role in a Hollywood super production could make her feel. That made her feel sick. “I didn’t want any of this power,” she claimed with her disarming sincerity, that semi-nonchalance which verges on insulting all the comedy actresses who would kill to be in her position. “I would prefer to be free, and be able to choose to stop acting in hugely exhibited films.” She embellished this sentiment by saying, “I don’t ride the huge waves. When I see them coming I take my board and go straight back to the beach.” This celebrity didn’t “suit” her. “This is not that way I want to live my life.” And she who claims to be, “Always surprised to be chosen for a role” emphasises that even her father doesn’t understand it. “I understand that nobody understands me, but I can’t be somebody I’m not,” she insisted.

Last March she said to Alain Spira: “I don’t know if what I’ve learnt counts as wisdom, but I know that when it comes to pursuing our lives, we are alone. And thus I have come to see that I should be alone in choosing what colour to make mine. This demonstrates that we shouldn’t do things other people’s way. I understood that I shouldn’t, as I in fact ended up doing, let myself be restricted by rules established by others. I believe that’s the most important thing I learnt over the last few years.”  We fully comprehend now that neither the public, nor the success of the films – TF1 once again brought together more than 3.8 million television viewers on Sunday evening with the broadcast of Ensemble c’est tout – will make her change her mind. Audrey Tautou is sailing towards new horizons.

Source text written by Marie Desnos. See the full French article here:

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Posted by on August 10, 2011 in Culture


Obama celebrates his fiftieth Birthday “at home” (09/08/11)

Chicago – the town that witnessed his political ascension and where he met his wife Michelle – was where the US President decided to celebrate his fiftieth birthday. Around two thousand people were in attendance.

Barack Obama paid a symbolic visit to Illinois’ largest city on Wednesday evening, to celebrate his birthday. Chicago has been a very significant place throughout the President’s career, and for his family. It is the place where he met his wife, and where she herself was born. But Chicago also witnessed the Hawaiian native’s glowing political ascension. He began his career there as a lawyer, before being elected as Senator for the state, then finally as President of the United States.

If his date of birth is indeed August 4th then he began things slightly early, on the evening before, by celebrating with more than two thousand people who had come to give him their best wishes. A concert featured as part of the entertainment, and the atmosphere was very laid back. Barack Obama seemed to appreciate this, given the smile that rarely left his face throughout the evening. Jazz legend Herbie Hancock made an appearance, as did the rock & roll group OK Go and past winner of American Idol, Jennifer Hudson. There were many artists present who started on the Chicago music scene. The “Happy Birthday to you” sung by Jennifer Hudson, and joined in on by the whole crowd to mark the ex-Illinois Senator’s arrival, was undeniably one of the highlights of the evening. The song was sung in a much more traditional style than the iconic, “Happy Birthday to you Mr. President,” by Marilyn Monroe, celebrating John F. Kennedy’s forty-fifth birthday in 1962. Taking place in the prestigious hall of the Aragon Ballroom built in 1926, Wednesday’s birthday celebration had a dual purpose, which involved raising funds for the Democrat’s re-election as President.

A family night out

These were festivities which fell at a specified time, to allow the President to escape from two very turbulent weeks. After a great struggle, Barack Obama managed to pass a bill through Congress which would allow the country’s debt ceiling to be raised. This was essential in avoiding suspension of the country’s payments. But he had to accept serious compromises to gain the backing of the Republicans, who say he has been politically weakened. “The week that I have just been through in Washington is of little importance, because I know that you are there, and that you are protecting me,” he said to the crowd – he who was once effectively a social worker in this town of three million people.

Upon his return to Washington for his ‘actual’ birthday, the President worked through Thursday morning as if it were another normal day. But the rest of his day was to be more festive. It is thought that his colleagues in the White House were planning a toast in the Blue Room, before a more private celebration in the evening with his family, and a few of his friends who come from… Chicago.

Source text written by Antoine Delthil. See the full French article here:

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Posted by on August 9, 2011 in Politics


Social Fraud: Mariani wants to create an Archive (08/08/11)

In the Sunday Newspaper, Transport Minister Thierry Mariani defended the creation of a record of social beneficiaries, intended to combat fraud. As a member of the Popular Right group, the minister has incurred the wrath of the opposition.

The Popular Right is always on the attack. The group of UMP MPs will never concede any political ground to the Front National, and they have shown this by putting forward more proposals. In the Sunday Newspaper one of their most eminent members, Transport Minister Thierry Mariani, defended the creation of a, “Comprehensive record of beneficiaries which lists all social benefits received.” “This will allow us to identify any abuse of the system. Anybody could unduly benefit from the funding in several regions, because nobody checks the dossiers,” claimed the minister.

According to Thierry Mariani, “This is about fighting the ‘lowest’ and the ‘highest’ beneficiaries on the social ladder.” For those ‘at the top,’ he proposes to tax, “the highest earners.” The Popular Right showed its intention to be part of the presidential campaign with Mariani’s claim that they would come up with fifteen proposals. The aim: to pull the carpet out from beneath the Front National. The aim of this group of MPs has always been, since its creation just over a year ago, to spur on the UMP. However, this comes at the price of several controversies: the most recent being the ‘sausage and red wine aperitif’ in one of the rooms of the National Assembly, to celebrate the group’s first anniversary. This was an event which mocked the ‘sausage and cheap wine aperitif’ of a few extreme right-wing organisations.

Sickening populism

The Popular Right has not always had the lion’s share of controversy when it comes to social benefits. In May the (now former) European Affairs minister Laurent Wauquiez had reinstated social benefits and mentioned the, “Cancer of Assistantship.” Called to order, the minister had to withdraw his comments. The UMP’s insistence on evoking these themes didn’t pass the Socialist party by. In a statement broadcast on Monday, the opposing party suggested that, “The competition for the most antisocial idea is wide open for the government.” They say that Thierry Mariani’s proposal, “denounces, stigmatises and maintains suspicion of the weak, and gives rise to a sickening populism.”

“Populism” or a real preoccupation, the Popular Right hopes that come what may, their use of this theme will prevent UMP voters switching allegiance to the Front National. At the end of May the President gathered members of the Popular Right to ask them to focus on social issues, particularly immigration – The Home Secretary Claude Guéant’s main interest. Even if their unrest can cause problems in government – as with the radar affair – it seems that no matter what, Nicolas Sarkozy is prepared to use these troublemakers to win over the majority.

Source text written by A.G. See the full French article here:

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Posted by on August 8, 2011 in Politics


Amy Winehouse’s Music Sales have rocketed! (06/08/11)

Since the singer’s death on July 23rd, singles and album sales have gone through the roof.

Just like Michael Jackson in 2009, over the last few days Amy Winehouse’s music has enjoyed posthumous success. Since her tragic death, sales of her songs have taken off. In The U.K. ‘Back To Black’ is dominating the album charts. In the U.S. this same track released in 2006 has climbed back up to the number 9 spot in less than two days, on Billboard 200, ahead of Lady Gaga’s ‘Born This Way.’ It tops the ‘catalogue’ chart which lists albums older than a year and a half, and is followed in 3rd spot by ‘Frank,’ the British artist’s first work to arrive on the scene back in 2003.

Only thirty-six hours after her death, and counting all forms of distribution, Amy Winehouse had sold more than 50,000 albums. According to the New York Times this is more than the number of albums sold since the beginning of the year. A compilation of previously unreleased tracks titled ‘Back To Black: B-Sides’ has also experienced a large boom in sales. Amy Winehouse’s music has sold particularly well online with around 110,000 downloads, 34,000 of which were of the hit song ‘Rehab’ (in video form).

In France, figures from the National Syndicate of Phonographic Publishing do not, at first glance, show a very strong surge for the week after the singer’s death. But the available data does not go beyond July 24th, the day after Amy’s death and moreover a Sunday, a day when very few record stores are open. The fact remains that in very little time the album ‘Back To Black’ climbed back to 6th spot in the ‘back catalogue’ chart, after ranking just 18th the previous week. In terms of downloads, the single ‘Rehab’ has reappeared near the top in 37th place.

These figures were expected to rise again significantly during the week of July 25th to 31st, since media attention has been largely focused on the death of the star. Amy Winehouse could soon be breaking records. In Britain, ‘Back To Black’ was already the second bestselling record in history (behind James Blunt’s ‘Back To Bedlam’) before the artist’s passing.

Source text written by A.G. See the full French article here:


Posted by on August 6, 2011 in Culture


A new international Paedophile Network brought down (06/08/11)

The American Justice Minister has announced that a large paedophile network has been dismantled. It had been active in about fifteen countries, including France. Seventy-two people were charged, resulting in fifty-two arrests.

The fruits of an enquiry lasting almost two years have been revealed. On Wednesday evening the American Justice Minister announced that no fewer than fifty-two people had been arrested after the dismantling of a vast paedophile network. It was a network that operated freely across the US borders. The arrests were effectively made in fourteen different countries. From Qatar to the Philippines, through Kenya and France, five continents were involved. The first details revealed, with regard to the methods that the site creators and members used, send a chill up one’s spine. These details were expanded upon in a statement by the US General prosecutor, Eric Holder. “The members of this criminal network shared the project, bent on creating an online community designed to promote the sexual exploitation of children.”

While sending pictures and videos of abuse carried out on boys and girls of twelve years and over, they had developed a sound and clearly stated ideology: “Sexually assaulting children is acceptable behaviour and should not be criminalised.” Called ‘Dreamboard,’ the site threatened members who did not upload enough material with exclusion, and offered ‘VIP Status’ to the most prolific contributors. The site’s administrators encouraged internationalisation, and the regulations were published in English, Russian, Spanish and Japanese. The task of those conducting the inquiry was made harder by certain ‘precautions’ taken by the site’s most loyal members, in an effort to avoid public identification. They even used certain types of encryption
software, operated under false identities and changed their IP addresses using special servers.

Twenty people still wanted

Thus passed the year and nine months since the inquiry was opened, in December 2009. Named ‘Operation Delego,’ it required the collaboration of tens of police forces around the world, from Eurojust (the European justice cooperation organisation), and various American authorities. The Ministry also announced that of the fifty-two arrested, thirteen have pleaded guilty and four have already stood trial on American soil, with sentences up to thirty years in prison. So there now remain twenty people, charged but still wanted. For the moment, only their ‘Dreamboard’ pseudonyms are known. A successful inquiry thus far, but definitely not yet closed.

Source text written by Antoine Delthil. See the full French article here:


Posted by on August 6, 2011 in Miscellaneous