The journey begins!

23 Jul

Before I start posting my translations, I have to find some interesting source texts to use. So that’s exactly what I’m doing now! There are no end of interesting stories circulating through the world’s media at the moment: The death of Amy Winehouse, the political unrest in Libya, as well as all the major sport stories, including the lifetime ban from football served to Fifa presidential candidate Mohamed Bin Hammam. No doubt the researchers at Paris Match will ensure the majority of the major stories are covered, so we wait to see what they make of them all!

Translations take time, so there will be a steady but reliable flow of articles being added. Any suggestions of topics or stories I could use will be gratefully received.

Now on with the research!


Posted by on July 23, 2011 in Miscellaneous


2 responses to “The journey begins!

  1. Mr WordPress

    July 23, 2011 at 7:53 pm

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  2. candylandau

    July 24, 2011 at 12:09 am

    James, this looks very interesting. I am intrigued to find out more. I hope you will have articles for us to read very soon.


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